November 14 - November 16, 2024


Silent Prayer Retreat

Please note: Content and scheduling for this retreat will differ from a typical Lodge schedule (and there will be no concert). Guests will spend a full day in silence. 

“The Lord is in His holy temple, let all the earth keep silence before Him.”

— Habakkuk 2:20

This silent retreat, guided by spiritual directors, is an opportunity to take time away from the noise and distraction of everyday life, to rest, and listen for God. There is a very limited capacity of 12 individuals, so we ask that you only enter the registration lottery if you are specifically drawn to this type of silent retreat experiencePlease consider the below schedule to see whether the retreat is the right fit for you:


On the first evening of the retreat, Kenny Benge and Ashley Cleveland will offer instruction and reflection prompts as well as leading liturgical prayer. After this introduction, retreatants will enter into silence. 


The silence will continue through meal times on Friday. Solo activities will be available, as well as spiritual direction for each guest. On Friday evening the silence will be broken. 


Saturday morning the group will gather together to share about their experiences, concluding with a celebration of the Eucharist. 

The waitlist for this retreat is full.