September 14 - September 17, 2023

Living Beyond Loss and Into God's Future

Living beyond Loss and into God’s Future:

The Book of Ruth

How can the heart bear unfathomable loss and yet become open to a future that was previously unimaginable? That is the question we will explore through the biblical book of Ruth.

Looking at the story through multiple lenses – theology, visual art, movement and dance – we will trace how loss of family, homeland, and every form of security is gradually transformed through love and trust practiced by people who seem to have no power to wield.

We will consider how this small yet expansive narrative speaks to us profoundly in our own “ordinary” situations, both personal and societal.

This was a weekend of unexpected circumstances and technological difficulties, with several talks taking place outside. Unfortunately, not all sessions were recorded, but we hope that these three tracks are still encouraging despite their lower audio quality! You’ll notice that Sunday morning’s track has more than we typically include; it’s a recording of the worship service that took place outdoors, including music from Bethany Brooks, sermon from Ellen Davis, and the sounds of a dance performed by Paiter van Yperen.